Em Em
When your heart's down
and you sit in front of the court
The lawyers do something for you
Em D
They judge the right againts the wrong
while you don't know what happened behind
E7 A
to the so called the guilties 8x
They try to differ
from good to bad
The court may sentence you
prison or even death then beat afast
that you feel what's in your heart
if you forgot the lord
yes...the lord above
Lirik, Kunci Gitar, Chord Gitar, Kord Gitar Koes Plus - To The So Called The Guilties yang ada di atas adalah hak cipta / hak milik dari pengarang, grup musik, band, artis, dan label Koes Plus management.
Chord Lagu yang dipublikasikan oleh KUNCI Gitar CHORD KORD ini hanyalah untuk keperluan promosi dan evaluasi saja. Selamat menikmati kemudahan mencari Kunci gitar atau Chord gitar Koes Plus - To The So Called The Guilties di blog ini. Situs chords gitar terlengkap, terbaru dan terupdate!. Jangan lupa pula lihat chords gitar lainnya di blog ini.
Title: Koes Plus - To The So Called The Guilties
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Published :2014-05-08T21:48:00+07:00
Koes Plus - To The So Called The Guilties
Posted by:
Published :2014-05-08T21:48:00+07:00
Koes Plus - To The So Called The Guilties
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