Superman Is Dead - Disposable Lies Chord Publish By Kumpulan Kord Gitar Terbaru & Update
Intro: C5 E5 A5
C5 E5 A5
C5 E5 A5 B5-C5
However much you want to show that
E5 F5 G5
You keep me inside and what you really care
C5 E5 A5 B5-C5
Have a close look deep into your flame
E5 F5 G5
Time is running out, nothing to hide away
F5 G5
I know we’re both all right
C5 E5
It’s time to go, start running around
A5 F5
Do it faster that I write
C5 E5
Leave it all behind, all the things we’ve burnt
F5 G5
Cruising down the memory
C5 E5
It’s time to go, start running around
A5 F5
Do it faster that I write
Since I don’t know what the last
Heaven’s got it all
Interlude: C5 E5 A5
C5 E5 A5
C5 E5 A5 B5-C5
Picking up the way back to get home
E5 F5 G5
It’s the hardest thing that we think all night
C5 E5 A5 B5-C5
Anything could be the adventure
E5 F5 G5
It’s all growing and beyond the tragedy
F5 G5
I know we’re both all right
back to Reff:
Interlude: C5 E5 A5
C5 E5 F5
F5 G5
I know we’re both all right
back to Reff:
Since I don’t know what the last
Since I don’t know what the lies
Hell! I don’t know what the nice
Heaven’s got it all
C5 E5 A5
C5 E5 A5 F5 C5 E5 F5 C5
Lirik, Kunci Gitar, Chord Gitar, Kord Gitar Superman Is Dead - Disposable Lies yang ada di atas adalah hak cipta / hak milik dari pengarang, grup musik, band, artis, dan label Superman Is Dead management.
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Title: Superman Is Dead - Disposable Lies
Posted by:
Published :2014-03-12T19:06:00+07:00
Superman Is Dead - Disposable Lies
Posted by:
Published :2014-03-12T19:06:00+07:00
Superman Is Dead - Disposable Lies
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